It is not often you get the chance to view meticulously preserved tapestries that are over 500 years old in person. However if you can make your way to the Art Gallery of NSW from the 10th of Feb to the 24th of June you can view 6 divine tapestries as part of the 'The Lady and the Unicorn' exhibit currently visiting from their normal home in France.
IMAGE: Desire c1500, from The lady and the unicorn series, wool and silk, 312 x 330 cm. Musée de Cluny – Musée national du Moyen Âge, Paris. Photo source: Wikipedia and is in the Public Domain.
The tapestries normally reside in France at the Musée de Cluny – Musée national du moyen Âge in Paris and to celebrate how lucky we are to have such divine works visit our shores we at Aunt Jenny are offering a very special giveaway to one lucky exhibition goer.
WIN this fantastic tapestry loom valued at over $1,025 to create your very own masterpieces. To enter the competition, visit the Art Gallery of NSW from 5 to 6.45pm, Wednesday 2 May 2018 for 'Art after hours' and fill in the entry form. The winner will be announced at 7pm in the Entrance Court.
You can view all the details on this beautiful loom in our shop here.
If visiting the exhibition, also keep your eyes out for our flyer which has an exclusive discount code for exhibition goers and don't forget to pop into the maker space during your visit where you can sit for a while and play with our popular weaving frame looms.